Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Personal Feelings on Santiniketan

It was a day when I was walking through a path in santiniketan campus. I was thinking my self so many things about Tagore. The first feeling I encountered was when I entered into the campus gate. This is not a very big gate with architecture and designing in front of it. After all, I have seen much nicer architected gate in my life. This could be made after the Tegore's era when Biswa Varati was reconstructed by the trusty. But that still gave the feeling of an old age that Tegore might be enters to this campus by this gate every time.

When I was going from different building to building, I seen lots of people are available for as a guide to show you all the buildings and the history of it. For first time victors or who don’t know anything about Santiniketan, a guild will help them a lot to know something without blindness.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Visit in Bolpur Santiniketan

It is the day on 9/11 when a mastermind killer wanted to kill the New Yorkers and to destroy the world trade center. On the same date of 2010, I got a chance to get peace in my mind visiting the Bolpur Santinekatan where the place made by Nobel laureate Rabindra Nath Tagore. What a lovely place ! Amazing, mind-blowing and peaceful. Yes, all this word is appropriate for this Santiniketan.

Well it was not only visiting a place in a lazy holiday but my intention was to discover some peace for my mind. I was finally find out the peace of mind when I was under the ‘Chatim Tala’ (under the chatim Tree), from where the Santiniketan was started to develop by Tagor’s father in 1862 and took rest for a long time. This place is not for all the people who are hunting peace to fulfill their dream. This place is for that kinds of people who are looking something for peace but exactly don’t know what that is.

Khoai Village fair: Since I visited on Saturday, I got a chance to take a look on khoai village fair. This village fair usually held on every Saturday of the week by the near by villagers who come to sell their own handicraft goods like ornaments, clothing’s, snacks, musical instruments specially ektara (Folk singer’s musical instrument what have one string into a wooden shell). But the most attractive things of this fair is gathering the baul (folk) singers who sang various types of baul songs (folk songs) in front of little audience who seated on the ground.

Photo: Chhatim tala, from where the Santiniketan was started it's journey

Photo: Prayer Hall for Brahma samaj in santiniketan.